
开始上大学对你和你的学生来说都是一个过渡期. While every student is different, feelings of excitement, 紧张, 担心, or anticipation are common. 对很多学生来说, 这可能是他们第一次离家数周或数月, 而其他人可能更适应新的环境和惯例.

As a parent or family member, 你希望你的学生充分享受他们的大学生活, 但你也明白,他们的新冒险包括许多学习如何独立和自力更生的机会. As your student takes on adult responsibilities, 你的角色会改变, 但是你的学生仍然需要你来支持他们逐渐独立,并成为一个稳定的家庭基地.

If you can create an atmosphere of open communication, 你的学生不仅会感激你把他们当作成年人来尊重, 但他们也更有可能向你寻求指导. 在下面逐月的部分中找到一些想法,开始与你的一年级学生对话.

帮助你的学生找到合适的大学 校园资源 is one of the best ways for you to mentor your student. By acting as a referral source, 你向你的学生表明你对他们的生活感兴趣,同时让你的学生解决他们自己的问题. Your goal is not to solve problems for them, 而是要尽可能直接和建设性地面对问题,鼓励他们在问题变得虚弱之前寻求帮助.


如果你对你的学生有特别的担忧,我们鼓励你这样做 赌博正规的十大网站.



身心健康和幸福对学生的成功至关重要. 赌博正规的十大网站的许多校内部门共同努力,为所有学生创造一个支持健康生活方式的校园环境.




推荐阅读 for parents and families of first year students and beyond.


使用以下描述和相关的对话开头作为指导,帮助您预测学生可能会遇到的事情. 了解大学第一年的起起落落的父母和家庭能够更好地帮助他们的学生应对过渡到大学的挑战.


The last few weeks of summer give students mixed feelings. Anticipation and excitement about living on their own, having the opportunity to test new-found freedoms, and making their own choices. 担心或焦虑他们的室友、教授、课程、第一篇论文和考试. 他们可能想知道他们与你和他们的高中朋友的关系将如何改变.

为你的学生的矛盾情绪做好准备,要知道过渡时期的不适是很自然的. 和你的学生一起制定一个计划,关于你们之间交流的频率. Talk about academic expectations. 开诚布公地谈论金钱、支出以及如何做预算. Discuss the use of alcohol and other substances. Talk frankly about dating and relationship choices. While you cannot control your student's behavior, you can share your values and encourage responsibility.


  • 当你考虑开始上大学时,你最期待的是什么? What makes you the most nervous?
  • What plans do you have to stay in touch? How often would you like us to call/text/email you? Or will you 赌博正规的十大网站?
  • 你想什么时候回家,多久回家一次?


开学的头几个星期对大多数学生来说是一阵旋风, as they get to know their roommates, 结交新朋友, and find their way around campus. 学者 may be more challenging than they anticipated. They may feel homesick or lonely. 他们可能会比你计划或预期的更频繁地联系你. As the first Block Break approaches, 他们将有自由决定休息时间做什么. 他们将期待着在第一年剩下的时间里选择自己的课程. 倾听和支持,但允许你的学生做出自己的选择. 鼓励你的学生参加校园活动,结识志同道合的人. 帮助他们探索健康的方式,当他们开始感到压力或需要独处时,他们可以放松和重新振作起来.


  • 你在Priddy Experience旅行中最难忘的部分是什么?
  • What are you enjoying about your 第一年 Program class?
  • 你打算在第一年课程结束后上什么课?
  • What is your roommate like?
  • Have you found a good place to study?
  • Have you been able to explore off-campus?


With Block 1 under their belts, and Block 2 well underway, students begin to settle in to more of a daily routine. Some of them may struggle with managing their time, particularly as they try to balance their academic, 活动, 还有社交日程. 有些学生会对他们第一次论文和考试的结果非常满意, while others may be disappointed. 室友的问题, 如果有任何, 开始浮出水面, 一些学生可能会开始质疑他们是否“适应”." Continue to listen and offer reassurance. 表达你对学生自我管理能力的信心. 如果他们遇到任何学术或社交困难,鼓励他们利用校园资源寻求支持.


  • What was exciting about your Block 1 class? 挑战是什么??
  • How was your Block Break?
  • Have you met with any professors? Have you connected with any CC staff?
  • What campus or residence hall events have you attended?
  • 你认识和你同宿舍的其他学生吗?
  • 你想参加什么校园社团或俱乐部吗? 哪一个?


As they finish Block 3 and look forward to Fall Break, 学生可能会对休息计划感到兴奋和/或焦虑. 在收到他们的五年计划成绩并注册他们本年度的剩余课程后, students may feel some increasing academic pressure. The purpose of coming to college becomes "more real." Roommate challenges, 如果有任何, become more clear. And campus-wide illnesses begin to spread. 如果你的学生放假回家,谈谈你的期望. How will your student's return change things in your home? 询问学生的学习时间、工作量以及参加组织/活动的情况. 鼓励你的学生养成健康的习惯,养成良好的自我照顾. Talk with your student about how to handle health issues.


  • What classes did you choose for the rest of the year?
  • What might you do differently on your next exam or paper?
  • What are you doing to stay well?
  • How do plan to spend your time over Fall Break? What are you most looking forward to?


秋季学期即将结束,学生们开始期待寒假 ... "only three-and-a-half more weeks.同样,他们可能会对未来感到兴奋和焦虑. 他们可能会因为错过了家里任何传统的节日准备而感到失望. Especially if they do not plan to take Half Block, 他们可能会因为长时间离开新的友谊和/或爱情关系而感到一些悲伤. 他们可能已经参加了太多的课外俱乐部或团体,并且面临着时间管理的挑战,因为他们也试图在第四街区以优异的学习成绩结束这个学期. If you haven't already, send your student a care package and let them know you are thinking of them. If your student is making a trip home, 在他们回国之前和之后,就他们的期望和日程安排进行一次谈话,可以帮助所有家庭成员轻松过渡.


  • 我能从家里给你寄什么东西来帮助你完成学期?
  • 第一个学期是什么让你充满活力或兴奋? What made you feel drained?
  • What might you do differently next semester?
  • How do you plan to spend your time over Winter Break? 你想和你的一些高中朋友计划一次聚会吗?


Whether they return to campus for Half Block or Block 5, 学生们通常带着重新焕发的活力和“崭新的开始”的心态回来. Some of them experience relief at returning to school. 另一些人可能会经历思乡和孤独的复发, 特别是如果他们在寒假期间呆在家里的时间很长. 学生可能会对秋季学期的成绩感到满意和/或失望,对即将到来的学期感到兴奋和/或焦虑. 鼓励你的学生探索策略和资源,这将有助于他们在秋季学期取得成功. Talk with your student about visiting the 职业中心 做一个兴趣清单或其他评估,让他们了解自己的学习方式和未来的目标.


  • What do you like about your Block 5 class?
  • Are you doing anything differently with your studying?
  • 告诉我更多关于你在学校的朋友,以及他们是如何度过假期的.
  • 自从上大学以来,你有发现什么新的兴趣吗?


Even with over 300 days of sun per year in Colorado, 许多学生可能会经历“冬季忧郁症”或“幽居病”.“一些学生在酒精和/或毒品方面增加了不健康的行为. 情人节可能会加剧孤独感、孤立感或关系焦虑. 随着住房选择过程的开始,学生们考虑为明年选择一个室友. And they begin making plans for Spring Break. 鼓励你的学生参观或参加由健康资源中心提供的项目.


  • How are you maintaining a healthy lifestyle?
  • 对于你目前的住房状况,你喜欢和/或不喜欢的是什么?
  • 你想过明年想住在哪里吗?
  • What are your Spring Break plans?


Thoughts of Spring Break are prominent in students' minds, 他们结束了第6街区的学习,并期待着在第7街区开始时注册下一年的课程. As they wrestle with their choices, 他们可能会担心选择专业或决定走哪条路. 春假过后,他们可能会开始考虑暑假的选择. 许多学生开始对自己管理时间的能力更有信心. As the housing selection process continues, 他们可能会对明年的室友和/或生活状况感到焦虑. They may have some concern over winter weight gain. Encourage Spring Break safety. 和你的学生谈谈他们的生活安排计划.


  • What courses are you planning to take next year?
  • 你有没有和你的学术顾问谈过,或者向其他教授寻求建议?
  • 你的选课能帮你缩小专业的选择范围吗?


With the arrival of spring and consistently nicer weather, 学生们渴望在户外运动和社会活动中相互接触. 一些学生在临近学期结束时很难保持对学业的专注, 可能会有人担心他们在5楼和6楼的成绩. They may feel some disenchantment with school resources, 尤其是食物服务和他们的生活安排. 继续倾听学生的担忧,帮助他们反思和处理他们的经历. 随着新年的临近,用手写的信或邮寄的小惊喜来鼓励他们.


  • How are your summer plans shaping up?
  • 你对我们今年沟通的数量有什么看法?
  • 你今年有没有想在简历上添加的项目?


随着8号街区的结束,学生们沉浸在庆祝的气氛中. 校园音乐会活动,如“蓝调与鞋子”和“Llamapalooza”增添了节日气氛. 随着学期的结束,一些学生可能会感到额外的学业压力. 对于离开校园过暑假,有些人可能会有复杂的感情, 而其他人会决定留下来上课和/或追求暑期研究或就业机会. As the spring semester ends, 你可能会对你的学生的变化和他们今年所取得的成就感到惊讶!


  • I see so many positive changes in you! How do you think you have changed this year?
  • 你是否希望在大学的第一年做些不同的事情?
  • 我为你这一年的学习和成就感到骄傲, and I am confident that you are going to find your path. Be patient with yourself!
报告问题 - 最后更新: 08/09/2022